Dog Sticks His Head Out Of His Mailbox Every Morning To Greet His Neighbors



Rigby is a happy, curious and social pup who loves keeping an eye on the neighbourhood.

Every day, people and their pets walk past the house Rigby shares with family, and he’s always eager to greet any passers-by.

Luckily, it’s easy for Rigby to “pop-out” for a quick hello. At least, he can pop his sweet little face through the house’s inbuilt mailbox.


Rigby has loved the mailbox ever since he was a little puppy. The mailbox leads straight into the hallway, and when he was younger, he was small enough to fit his whole body inside.

“[My husband] and I would pass him to each other through the mailbox,” Rigby’s mommy, Courtney Poole, told us.


Now, at 1-year-old, Rigby is too big to fit his whole body through the slot, but he’s the perfect size and height for sticking his head out through the opening.

The whole neighbourhood loves seeing his face sticking out through the mailbox and many people stop and take a minute to enjoy the hilarious sight.

The only person who’s not been completely ecstatic about Rigby’s peephole is the mailman; he got quite the shock one day when he opened the mailbox only to find Rigby staring back at him.


Considering the old stereotype about dogs and mailmen, it’s no wonder he got a bit spooked, but thankfully, these days, Rigby and the mailman have a perfectly amicable relationship.

Rigby is spreading so much love and joy in his community and we wish that more mailboxes held such cute surprises!

No one can resist that adorable face.

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