Daily Pug Funny Videos Will Make You Smile #18



1. HaHa!! Okay, did you like it? 😏🤣

From @paulmcpug

2. I’m jumping into the weekend here! 🐾

With no audience at the US Open, I’m cheering on the players and generating some excitement here at home. 🎾 My family are loving it!🙈😂 Have a great weekend everyone! 💜🐾

From @dantethepug2015

3. Any other signs to watch out for? 🤔🚩

From @kimchi.the.pug


5. My definition of happiness ☺️

From @thepuggysmalls

6. Here come the pug gang

From TT

7. Don’t mind me 🥹

From @kimchi.the.pug

8. When your favourite snackies are on sale and your driver is taking their sweet time getting to the shops. 🙄😅😂🤣

From @dantethepug2015

9. Running into the new week at full speed! 🏃‍♂️💨

I may need to run into the water and stay there with the warm weather forecast

From @dantethepug2015

10. Get 2 pugs, it will be fun, they say

From @pug_leonid

11. It's not Monday again :(

From @calvin_opug

12. When pugs play aggressively they sound like rabid ducks. 🤣 🦆

Auntie May sure is being a good sport with little Lucky though.

On serious note, this is why we choose to crate our dogs when we aren’t home and don’t allow dogs to stay together in a space unsupervised. It takes only a second for playing to turn into fighting and someone to loose an eye. 🏴‍☠️

From @circus_pugs

13. Feeding like this 😎

From @mopsiczkaaa

14. What’s your favourite sound? 💖

From @kimchi.the.pug

15. Omg the curly tail, so sweet

From @mopsiczkaaa

16. Shopping with a pug 😂💤⁣

From @alejandraaa.mua

17. Have you ever felt judged by your dog (or fur baby)?🤨

From @kimchi.the.pug

18. Him just a lil baby

From @circus_pugs

19. We didn’t expect this to happen

From @b.lyons.917

20. Awe! Looks like a seal! 🦭

From @itsadventurepug

21. Summer time, beach time, best time!

From @scott.pug2019

22. Overcoming the second obstacle

From @gizmo.nk

23. Cutie pie


24. Look at me tell me I'm beautiful! Conductor DOG

From @calvin_opug

25. Much love, from Bella & Lily 💗

From @pugycgb

26. It's the best gift of the year 🎁💝😭

From @pokylilpuppy

27. He is known as The Flash💳

From @benjipugg

28. Miss Thing……WOOF!!😍👠

From @pugdashians

29. She’s so sassy.

From @the_squish_biscuit

30. I just a sassy baby........WOOF!!🧸

From @pugdashians

We upload only the best and funny dog videos will make you smile.

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