Daily Hilarious Golden Retriever Videos Will Make You Smile

1. Cute or super cute? How fluffy and adorable

From  @chasin_chester

2. I give up hooman, carry me

From @kensingtoncampbell

3. Aww, you are adorable lil fella

From @chasin_chester

4. Is that beyond cute, go on and play a song fluffy golden boy

From @chasin_chester 

5. Watch till the end

From  @chasin_chester

6. How adorable are these two

From : @kensingtoncampbell

7. Best friends forever

From  @kensingtoncampbell

8. Party in the back. Look at those little faces

From  @chasin_chester

9. Look at his little tongue

From @chasin_chester

10. Living a good life. I wish all dogs around the world are love and treated like this

From TT

11. I can do this all day long, gimme treats and I will stop

From @chasin_chester

12. I'm coming for ya mommy

From  @chasin_chester

13. Lovely or not, no matter what, gimme treats

From TT

14. Today isn’t Monday

From TT

15. Dangerous carnivore, he sure looks like one to me

From TT

16. cutie pie lil golden fella learning to swim

From TT

17. Rate his cuteness from 1 to 10000

From Kensington Campbell

18. Oh helloo sunshine

From TT

19. Cute or super cute?

From @kensingtoncampbell

20. Puppy workout

From @goldenboydempsey

21. It is so sweet, kisses before bed

From TT

22. Best friends forever

From TT

23. You got short dad, but I still love you anyway

From TT

24. I’m just a baby hooman and I need your attentions

From  @chasin_chester

25. Wait for it, I am coming for ya mom

From @bestestboybutters

26. I don’t wanna sleep

From  @goldenboydempsey

27. Peekaboo hooman, you are so small and fluffy tiny golden friend

From @honey.happy.golden

28. It's walk like your dog day, have you tried this?

From TT

29. yes yes I am, and also too cute

From  @golden_griz

30. You ever never seen a doc do toilet thing before eh?

From  @tokyo_the_golden

31. Rate his cuteness


From  @golden_retriever_lovers

1 comment

Patti / Love the videos. Everyone was so adorable. Thank you.

The videos were so adorable. Keep them coming. Thank you.

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