Daily Doggo Funny Videos Will Make You Smile #5



1. Gimme that mom!


2. Hah, next time friend


3. "Look Mom" meet my new puppies. please think names for my babies

From Sara.xo

4. Gotta check the ducks aren’t drowning

From @winthegolden

5. he IS the backpack

From @boomer_the_landcloud

6. He was in heaven for a sec there

From  @dgreen0683

7. he’s just a baby

From  @austonley_irish_wolfhounds

8. his lil piddle paddle

From @hudsonbegood

9. Homies 4 lyfe

From @sebthommes & @c_arcelona

10. Long live the king! The cat push the dog!


11. No thanks

From jingmao386 

12. Oops, nobody seen that right. P/S: We helped him at the end, so don't worry guys


13. Say sike right now

From  @oboi.nell

14. She looked straight to mum for support

From stinkybooty04 

15. The contemplation

From  @mr_pinkybear

16. The cutest brothers?

From @caswell_bros

17. The dog is perfectly fine, just very dramatic

From  @lindsey._.blue

18. The eye contact though

From itsjuless98 

19. He's charging the tornado

From @cowboikirby

20. The sass

From pandarosee 

21. this is hectic in the best way possible

From @yunabugs

22. This is my scarlet letter.


23. What a good dog

From only.darts

24. Yeah this sheep barks sometimes, he’s just bilingual

From shreyasr9 

25. The eyes! I think he just saw a snake

From kendallbaugh__ 

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