Daily Doggo Funny Videos Will Make You Smile #29
1. Sitting pretty waiting for treats! (Also for my treat from my Advent calendar) 😉😋🍪
From @avery_a_very_yellow_lab
2. Miss Dolly, now Sunday, is off to live her best life in Colorado! She really is a little ray of sunshine ☀️ love you sweet girl!
From @bartonlabradors
3. Oh Garth, now Maverick, we are going to miss you!! You are going to have the best life in Boston! We can’t wait to watch you grow! 💛💛
From @bartonlabradors
4. It sure feels cold now! But mum says, don't eat yellow snow!? ❄️🥶
From @bongothelabrador
5. Oliver doesn’t rush love. Especially when his brother comes over.
From @brodifur
6. Truth be told, though, Dad does most of the work.
From @brodifur
7. 🥰 Truth! Who else is better at bringing smiles, silliness, snuggles, and love than us pups?
From @its_me.archer
8. Happy and clean 🧼
From @little_coop_the_lab
9. Getting ready for da lunch with da ladies 😉
From @mac_woofs
10. It’s only Monday and I am already sleepy 😴
From @mac_woofs
11. Before I leave town on a work trip, simple question 🎅🎄❄️😂
From @mattis_themightylab
12. It was 12 items or less trip to see how she would do. ✅.😇
From @mattis_themightylab
13. Liberty 1 mom 0 🛶(an the water’s a bit chilly)💦
From @mattis_themightylab
14. Supposed to be on neighborhood watch but I’m too darn tired 🥱🥺💤
From @oliverschronicles
15. Da forehead wrinkle, gets dem every time
From @posies_pocketful_of_praise
16. “Welll, let me just do this big stretch first, okay??” 🤔🐾❤️
From @sophie_theyellowlab
17. he is a swagger
From @star_thelabrador
18. Enjoying view😍❤️
From @superstarsimba
19. Mom, can I have some treats, pleaes?
From @superstarsimba
20. Mum said I am not adopted 🥰❤️
From @superstarsimba
21. Play with me mom!
From @superstarsimba
22. Gotta get it all😋
From @the_lab_sadie
23. This is true 😆
From @the_lab_sadie
24. Land sharks…..
From @tiberiusalabrador
25. When mom works too much, I steal her pillow and make her chase me 😏
From @yellowlab_nala
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