Cutest And Funny Videos About Dogs

1. Someone get these good dogs some pupcorn

From  @midnight_video , todd_spence / TW

2. I just want to give that dog a hug

From : @oliveirapets

3. He needs a refund

From @grooming_bytamara

4. No excuses, gotta stay fit

From TT

5. What is he thinking

From @jayamato

6. Not all heroes wear capes

From Wyandotte Police Department FB

7. Not today human

From  @eklapps @imbluethesiberian

8. Best friends

From @thebeagleandthebun

9. The difference a little love can make

From @friendsoffaye

10. Guess I'm gonna late

From TT

11. Oh no

From @sikothehusky

12. Deffo a Mammas boy

From @zizotheportie

13. He really didn’t want to get involved

From  @eklapps

14. Dogs are the best

From @jps_lolaa.mariaa

15. I thought u said ur mom was at work?

From :

16. The slip is perfectly synced with the music

From @k_bubolz

17. They were so on beat

From @fkluccini

18. Dude was so angry

From TT

19. he didn’t mean it

From @sarkisii

20. He really did just lean into the turn

From  @chowderthebulldog1

21. One for you, & one for you, & one for you too

From TT/sukiyipyip

22. if i stand still he can’t see me

From @oboi.nell

23. Her lil face says it all

From @hayleighpowwwell

24. The way he makes sure to go on the side that doesn't have a kid on it. This dog knows proper slide etiquette

From  @marissabraxtonart

25. He’s so precious

From rinabanina1 / TT

26. He was harmonizing

From caseymaay/TT

27. This dog is living her best life

From  @melissa_k_sims

28. Let’s raise the woof

From  @jaaniee_

29. He looked so scared

From TT

30. Why was she so smooth with it

From  @moalbiston @zofrompuertorico

31. This dog seeing himself on TV might be my new favorite video

From TT

32. This is my new favourite video

From @doofus.mcdooface

33. Huskies can talk and you can’t change my mind

From _nikos_world_

34. You’ve got to be kidding me

From ellalouise996 TT

35. This is Dahmer, he doesn’t appreciate his beauty sleep being interrupted

From @dahmer_thedog

36. He’s giving an opera show

From @alannahbanana

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