Cutie And Adorable Corgi Videos Will Cheer You Up



1. No offense, just facts


2. 100% nice to have though

From @corgi.d.ace

3. 100% relatable

From @1corgi_dogs

4. A Corgi's favorite place

From @little.boba_corgi

5. Amazing. The best meetings are the ones taken over by dogs

From @lilthiccycorgi


6. Aww those puppy eyes

From @chopacorgi

7. Awww


8. Delicious. Nom nom nom

From @corgi_zero

9. Every dog loves blueberries

From @hammyandolivia

10. He's a pro

From @lucalicorgi

11. He's my good time boi

From @ollieandbutler

12. I can only imagine all her corgis waiting for her at the gates of heaven



13. I love that puppy dog a lot

From @thebrooklyncorgi

14. Live his best life

From @mung.thecorgi

15. Make sure to get plenty of treats

From @1corgi_dogs

16. Mostly sweet luckily

From @comet.and.carm

17.  Oh noooo

From @hammyandolivia


18. Round and round

From @pikapikacorgi

19. Shocking 

From @sirralphthecorgi

20. So happy

From @corgibunase

21. Spa(w) day


22. Tato only drinks the finest of puppucinos

From @thecorgitato

23. This dog deserves an Oscar

From reagan_naomi16 

24. Yes, this dog is 100% Pembroke Welsh corgi

From sohltrain TT

25. You don’t need a trash can when you have a corgi


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